thE lUnar lESSOnS

A 4 week self study immersion to intimately cycle with and as the moon

TimES arE ChanGinG

aS SurElY aS TideS Ebb & FlOW

Can you sense it?

STruCTurES arE ShiFtinG

aS Old SYStEmS CrumblE & nEW Ones riSE

Can you see it?

rulES arE bEinG reWriTTEn

rEplaCinG COnFinEmenT WiTh COmforT

and SuFFOCaTiOn WiTh SuppOrT

Can you hear it?

ChOiCES arE bEinG madE

TO nO lOnGEr adhErE to paradigms

ThaT CauSE SEparaTiOn Or STriFE

Can you feel it?

Hail and Welcome

to this Sacred Feminine awakening. 

Hail and Welcome

to Her weaving of expansive, ecstatic threads back into the collective web.

Hail and Welcome

to you remembering and reconnecting with your rhythmic nature, your innate power and your authentic truth as a sacred, cyclical woman.

Hail and Welcome

to the reclamation of You as She and She as You.

Beloved, you are standing at the threshold of a very powerful crossroads.

You know that the way you’ve been living up until now isn’t really serving you and you are ready to step into something new.

You’ve felt this longing ache for more in your life and have been seeking experiences that feel more true.

Perhaps you’ve had visions, insights or downloads guiding you in directions that simultaneously seem uncommon or unknown yet feel fabulous or familiar.

Please know that this is exactly right.

You are exactly where you are meant to be,

And no, you are not crazy.

Quite the contrary.

In fact, I am inviting you to do something radical with those wild nudges…

l i S T E n


T h E m

This is your intuitive intelligence inviting you to get creative with catalyzing your life

so you can be the Goddess-vibe version of yourself that has immeasurable magic & miracles occurring all around you,

that you get to be grateful for, as you relax into the incredibly sweet, surrendered mystery that is the human experience. 

Following this path leads you to a place where

your forehead is patiently soft and your eyes are peacefully serene

because you are attuned, aligned and in an effortless flow with the delightfully rhythmic dance of life itself

that is full of delicious depth and enchanting meaning.

Here’s How I know:

For a very long time, I felt completely lost and unsure of who I was or who I was meant to be, which created a very inauthentic, incongruent lifestyle.

Life and I were at odds in our relationship because I always seemed to be in an endless state of stress, where things felt like they were constantly happening to me rather than for me. 

The way I handled it was with a very judgmental inner dialogue that said I needed to do more, pretend to be someone I knew deep down that I wasn’t, keep hustling in order to have, continue performing in order to prove that I was worthy of what I wanted and make shit happen all on my own.

Meanwhile the most uncomfortable pit of despair was growing within me that became harder and harder to ignore. I tried to satiate it by going on bank-breaking shopping excursions, fleeing on back to back weekend getaways to escape my reality, numbing myself with drugs & alcohol, climbing the proverbial corporate ladder and giving all of myself away to relationships hoping that they would be the knight in shining armor to save me.

No matter what I did, nothing worked. I still felt empty and unfulfilled.

and as a result, I was very, very reactive.

I knew I had to be missing something because there would be pockets of familiarity where I felt I would tap into something greater but I had no guidance or community to support in further unfolding, nor did I even realize that was an unconscious yearning that I had.

So even though I knew that this way of living needed to change (it was literally killing me and I had a slew of physical ailments to confirm that things were definitely not okay), I continued to stumble through the darkness, still always anticipating that somewhere there was a light waiting to be switched on.

When I finally had my light bulb moment, I realized that the thing I was missing was

SaCrEd, CYCliCal, FEmininE liVinG

And so began my personal immersion into a sacred life where I was attuning with the moon, cycling through seasons, intimate with my menstruation phases and honoring the daily ebbs & flows of my energy.

This way of being has healed and continues to heal so much within me including:

The wounded masculine that feels like it needs to constantly do, prove, perform and push

The patriarchal brainwashing that says I am only as worthy, valuable or good enough as what I can provide

The disconnection with the natural rhythms of nature that are embedded within me 

Coming back to this wholesome homeostasis has been effortless because there’s nothing for me to figure out. 

All that’s needed is my willingness to let go of the barriers that keep me from being my true, sacred, soulful self.

as I continue to walk this nourishing path, diving deeper into truth, peeling back layer upon layer of conditioning + falsity,

the beauty I witness, the wisdom I receive and the freedom I experience

gets juicer and juicer.

My life has become a flowing prayer of abundance, fulfillment & wildly ecstatic joy. 

My forehead has softened and my eyes have become serene. 

I am surrendered in the most divinely co-creative dance with the Goddess.

Because I am Her and She is Me.

SO iF YOu CurrEnTlY Find YOurSElF…

feeling overstimulated & overwhelmed from constantly rushing around, piling too much on your plate, focusing on too many things at once which leaves you scattered, stressed and spread way too thin yet despite all that you still struggle to give yourself permission to take a break

wasting your precious resources (time, energy, money) on things you don’t actually want or need to be doing but you don’t know how to say no or set boundaries

running an internal dialogue that says you should, could or need to be doing more and judging yourself for not doing or being enough

taking things WAY too seriously and not allowing yourself to prioritize more playful passion & joyful pleasure

putting things off that matter to you or making excuses about why you can’t do the thing you really wanna do or be who you really wanna be

Then I created the lunar lessons for you beloved

This is an all encompassing self study course to help you deepen your connection with the moon through a unique sacred feminine blend of communion, contemplation and ceremony.


For one moonth (four weeks) you will receive one 90 minute recorded session per week

where you will be guided to more intimately understand the four phases of the lunar cycle

and how these essences also live within you.

You are welcome to begin this program with the start of the next new moon or at any time during the lunar cycle.

Again, this is about how her energies live within you and how you can harness them to live a more harmonious, free flowing life,

regardless of what phase you are currently in.


intuitive intelligence

new moon session for clarity, wisdom and guidance


creative catalyst

waxing moon session for momentum, inspiration and aligned action


grateful goddess

full moon session for celebration, radiance and receiving


sweet surrender

Waning moon workshop for cleansing, spaciousness and trust

along with these lessons

(which you have lifetime access to)

you will also receive:

weekly deepening resources containing journal inquiries, rituals and sound frequencies for integration & embodiment

inclusion to a private facebook group for additional support from me and for empowering inspiration from being in sacred sisterhood with the other women that have gone through and continue to go through this program

We were never meant to undergo our journeys alone.

It takes a village and we can no longer underestimate the power of women coming together in community.

ThiS iS nOt YOur TYpiCal moon prOGram

In this highly interactive, immersive experience you will practice

being the moon

rather than simply talking about or pointing at the moon.

Imagine spending four weeks in a powerful crucible that will help you navigate the ever shifting, ebbing and flowing creation cycles of your life with grace rather than grit, with assuredness rather than apprehension, with faith rather than fear.

Through this journey you will:

receive potent inner wisdom that provides crystalline clarity to guide you through any situation, challenge or endeavor in your life

feel inspired by tangible aligned actions that propel you forward with empowered momentum towards the things that you desire to create or cultivate in your life

embrace the ecstatic celebration of your own magnetic radiance which lovingly anchors you into believing in and appreciating your innate worthiness

give yourself permission to soften into spaciousness so you can be cleansed of the things that no longer serve you, trusting that in your release is your rebirth

best of all, you will feel confident to repeat this process over and over and over again upon completion of this program

That’s the thing.

I’m not necessarily teaching you anything you don’t already know deep within. I am simply reminding you of the magnificence you already are and of the magnetic power you already possess so that you can reconnect and reclaim it.

Nothing will have more of an impact

on you living a sacred, soulful life

that is juicy, joyful, fulfilling and full of freedom

than remembering and re-integrating this process.

The ancient celestial light of the moon has been a source of guidance, wisdom and healing for humanity, especially women for eons.

Now is the time to allow her to guide you in effortlessly reconnecting with your inherent rhythms so you can nurture your nature and effortlessly own the co-creative power that empowers you to be the sovereign queen of your life.

What if thiS WErE TruE FOr YOu:

you knew that beginning your day with sacred intention was THE THING that gives you the fuel, the life force energy that you need for the day

you believed that slowing down, being more patient and allowing for receptivity is what leads to more magnetism & desired results, which creates a healthier relationship with productivity

you were more often than not crystal clear on the steps you need to take and were able to take them without resistance, avoidance or melodrama

you trusted yourself to show up with devotion, determination and dedication because you know you are fully capable

you acted as if there were enough time in the day for everything that needs to be done, by the will of the Goddess, including the nourishment of yourself, which means you let things that don’t get done, be rescheduled or removed from your agenda

you began to listen more to your body and created a healthy, loving communication that inspires you to honor what it shares with you

you measured your success by how much fun you’re having

as a result of all this, you began to thrive more than you ever have before

This is what awaits you on the other side of this lunar cycle

(which by the way is only 29ish days)

All of this and…

a renewed sense of hope

a resounding feeling of determination

a reformed belief that you can in fact create anything you desire

Sound appealing?

Thought so.

Let’s begin.